Black girl makeup tutorials

Welcome to our beginner-friendly black girl makeup tutorial! Whether you’re just starting out on your makeup journey or looking to refine your skills, this step-by-step guide is tailored specifically for you. From selecting the perfect foundation to mastering basic eye and lip makeup techniques, we’ve got you covered.

Foundation and Concealer: Finding the Perfect Match

makeup foundation black girl

One of the most crucial steps in any makeup routine is finding the right foundation and concealer for your skin tone. For black girls, this can sometimes be challenging due to the wide range of undertones and shades. Here are a few tips to help you find your perfect match:

  • Undertones: Determine whether your skin has warm, cool, or neutral undertones. This will help you narrow down your options when choosing foundation and concealer.

  • Shade Matching: When testing foundations, swatch them along your jawline and blend them in. The ideal shade should seamlessly blend into your skin without leaving any noticeable lines.

  • Customization: Don’t be afraid to mix different foundation shades to create a custom match. Many brands offer mixers or adjusters that can help you achieve the perfect shade.

Determine whether your skin has warm, cool, or neutral undertones

Determining your skin’s undertone is essential for choosing makeup shades that complement your complexion. Here’s how to identify whether your skin has warm, cool, or neutral undertones:

1. Look at Your Veins: Check the veins on your wrist in natural light.

  • Cool Undertones: If your veins appear blue or purple, you likely have cool undertones.
  • Warm Undertones: If your veins appear greenish, you probably have warm undertones.
  • Neutral Undertones: If your veins appear neither distinctly blue nor green, you may have neutral undertones.

2. Assess Your Sun Reaction: Consider how your skin reacts to sun exposure.

  • Cool Undertones: If your skin tends to burn easily and tan minimally, you likely have cool undertones.
  • Warm Undertones: If your skin tans easily and rarely burns, you probably have warm undertones.
  • Neutral Undertones: If your skin’s reaction to the sun falls somewhere in between, you may have neutral undertones.

3. Jewelry Test: Pay attention to which metal jewelry looks best against your skin.

  • Cool Undertones: Silver or platinum jewelry complements cool undertones best.
  • Warm Undertones: Gold or rose gold jewelry tends to flatter warm undertones.
  • Neutral Undertones: Both silver and gold jewelry may look equally good against neutral undertones.

4. White vs. Off-White: Consider how your skin looks against white and off-white clothing.

  • Cool Undertones: If your skin looks better against bright white, you likely have cool undertones.
  • Warm Undertones: If your skin looks better against off-white or cream, you probably have warm undertones.
  • Neutral Undertones: If your skin looks good against both white and off-white, you may have neutral undertones.

5. Pay Attention to Your Natural Hair Color: Your natural hair color can also provide clues about your undertone.

  • Cool Undertones: Cool undertones are often associated with hair colors like blue-black, ash brown, or platinum blonde.
  • Warm Undertones: Warm undertones are commonly found in hair colors like golden blonde, copper, or auburn.
  • Neutral Undertones: A wide range of hair colors, including natural black, dark brown, and medium blond, can be associated with neutral undertones.

By considering these factors, you can determine whether your skin has warm, cool, or neutral undertones, helping you choose makeup shades that enhance your natural beauty.

Shade matching for black girls

Shade matching for black girls involves finding makeup products that seamlessly blend with their skin tone, enhancing their natural beauty. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve the perfect match. Identify your undertone by determining if you have warm, cool, or neutral undertones based on hints of yellow, peach, pink, red, or blue in your skin. 

Choose multiple foundation shades that match your undertone and swatch them along your jawline or cheek to find the shade that seamlessly disappears into your skin. Test foundation shades in both natural daylight and indoor lighting to ensure accurate color matching. Apply the selected foundation shade to your skin and observe for any color changes after a few minutes to check for oxidation. 

Check the foundation shade on different parts of your face to ensure a seamless blend with your overall complexion. Choose concealer and setting powder shades that complement your foundation for a cohesive makeup look. Ensure all your makeup products have the same undertone to create a harmonious finish. 

Visit makeup counters or beauty stores with knowledgeable staff who can assist you in finding the perfect shade match for your skin tone. 

By following these steps and considering factors like undertone, lighting, and oxidation, black girls can successfully shade match their makeup products, achieving a flawless and natural-looking finish that enhances their unique beauty.

How to use mix different foundation shades to create a custom match

Creating a custom foundation shade by mixing different shades is a great way to achieve the perfect match for black girls with unique skin tones. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Identify Your Undertone: Determine if you have warm, cool, or neutral undertones in your skin. This will guide you in selecting foundation shades that complement your undertone.

  2. Select Foundation Shades: Choose two or more foundation shades that closely match your undertone. You can opt for shades that are slightly lighter and slightly darker than your natural skin tone to create a custom blend.

  3. Mixing Process: Dispense a small amount of each foundation shade onto a clean mixing surface, such as a makeup palette or the back of your hand. Use a clean makeup brush, sponge, or your fingers to mix the shades together until you achieve your desired custom shade.

  4. Test and Adjust: Apply a small amount of the custom mixed foundation to your jawline or cheek and blend it out. Assess if the shade matches your skin tone seamlessly. If needed, adjust the mixture by adding more of one shade to lighten or darken the custom blend accordingly.

  5. Application: Once you’ve achieved the perfect custom shade, apply the mixed foundation to your entire face using your preferred application method, whether it’s a brush, sponge, or fingers. Blend the foundation evenly for a flawless finish.

  6. Setting: Set your custom mixed foundation with a translucent or setting powder to ensure long-lasting wear and a matte finish, if desired.

  7. Maintenance: Remember the custom proportions you used to create your perfect shade in case you need to remix it in the future.

By mixing different foundation shades, black girls can tailor their foundation to match their unique skin tones perfectly, resulting in a seamless and natural-looking finish.

Basic Eye Makeup Techniques

Once you’ve perfected your base, it’s time to move on to eye makeup. Here are some simple techniques to get you started:

  • Eyeshadow Basics: Begin by applying a neutral eyeshadow shade all over your lid to create a base. Then, use a slightly darker shade in the crease to add depth and dimension.

  • Eyeliner: For beginners, a basic black or brown eyeliner pencil is your best bet. Start by lining your upper lash line, making small strokes to create a smooth line. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also add a subtle wing for some extra flair.

  • Mascara: Curl your lashes and apply a few coats of mascara to add volume and length. Wiggle the wand from the root to the tip of your lashes for maximum impact.

Eyeshadow techniques for black girl

Eyeshadow techniques for black girl​

Embarking on your eyeshadow journey can be both exciting and daunting, especially if you’re new to the world of makeup. But fear not, because mastering the basics of eyeshadow application is easier than you think! Whether you’re aiming for a subtle everyday look or a glamorous evening ensemble, understanding these fundamental techniques will help you create stunning eye makeup looks effortlessly.

First things first, let’s talk about the importance of primer. Applying an eyeshadow primer or concealer onto your eyelids not only creates a smooth base but also ensures that your eyeshadow stays put throughout the day. Think of it as a canvas for your masterpiece!

Next up, let’s dive into the concept of transition shades. These are the neutral eyeshadow colors slightly darker than your skin tone that you apply in the crease of your eyelids. Not only do they add depth and dimension to your eyes, but they also help seamlessly blend different eyeshadow colors together.

Now, onto the star of the show – your lid color! This is the eyeshadow shade that you apply directly onto your eyelids, starting from the inner corner and blending outwards. Choose colors that complement your eye color and overall makeup look to make your eyes pop.

To add even more dimension to your eye makeup, don’t forget to define the crease of your eyelids. Using a darker eyeshadow shade, apply it in the outer corner and along the crease, blending it seamlessly to create a soft gradient effect.

Highlighting is the cherry on top of your eyeshadow masterpiece. Apply a light eyeshadow shade or highlighter on the brow bone and inner corner of the eyes to add brightness and lift. This step accentuates your eyes and creates a more awake and open look.

Blend, blend, blend! The key to flawless eyeshadow application is seamless blending. Use a clean blending brush to blend the eyeshadow colors together, avoiding harsh lines and ensuring a smooth transition between shades.

No eyeshadow look is complete without eyeliner and mascara. Define your eyes by applying eyeliner along the upper lash line and finish off with a coat of mascara to add volume, length, and definition to your lashes.

With these eyeshadow basics under your belt, you’re well-equipped to create a variety of eye makeup looks that will make heads turn. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with your eyeshadow!

What do you need to know about Eyeliners

Eyeliners for black girl

Eyeliner is a versatile makeup product that can instantly enhance and define the eyes, adding a touch of glamour to any look. For black girls, finding the perfect eyeliner that complements their skin tone and eye shape is essential for achieving stunning eye makeup looks. When it comes to choosing the right eyeliner, there are several options to consider: pencil, liquid, gel, and felt-tip eyeliners. Pencil eyeliners are versatile and easy to use, making them perfect for beginners. They come in a variety of shades and formulas, including traditional pencils and creamy kohl liners.

Liquid eyeliners offer precise and intense color payoff, making them ideal for creating sharp winged eyeliner looks. They typically come with a fine-tip applicator for precise application. Gel eyeliners come in pots or jars and are applied with a brush. They offer long-lasting wear and are great for creating smudged or smoky eye looks. Felt-tip eyeliners feature a felt or marker-like tip that allows for precise and controlled application. They are perfect for creating bold and graphic eyeliner looks.

Black eyeliner is a staple in any makeup collection and is perfect for creating classic winged eyeliner looks or adding definition to the lash line. Brown and bronze eyeliners complement deeper skin tones beautifully and offer a softer alternative to black eyeliner. They can be used to create subtle definition or smudged for a sultry effect. Navy and blue eyeliners are perfect for adding a pop of color to your eye makeup look. They complement brown eyes beautifully and can make them appear brighter and more vibrant.

Achieving the perfect eyeliner look requires practice and patience. If using a pencil eyeliner, make sure it’s sharp for precise application. You can also warm it up on the back of your hand to soften the formula and prevent tugging on the delicate eye area. Instead of attempting to draw a continuous line in one go, use short strokes to gradually build up the intensity and shape of your eyeliner. To create a winged eyeliner look, start by drawing a thin line along your upper lash line, extending it slightly past the outer corner of your eye. Then, draw a line from the outer corner towards the end of your eyebrow and connect it to the initial line, forming a triangle. Fill in the triangle and refine the shape as needed. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different eyeliner techniques and looks, whether it’s a classic winged liner, a bold graphic liner, or a subtle smudged liner. Makeup is all about creativity and self-expression, so have fun and embrace your unique style.

How to use mascara

Let’s talk about the finishing touch to your eye makeup – mascara! This magical product has the power to instantly elevate your look by adding volume, length, and definition to your lashes. For black girls, achieving lush and fluttery lashes can beautifully complement their eye makeup and enhance their natural beauty. Here’s how to make the most of your mascara:

Start by curling your lashes to open up your eyes and create a wide-eyed effect. Using an eyelash curler, gently clamp down on your lashes near the roots and hold for a few seconds. Then, release the curler and move it along the length of your lashes for a natural-looking curl.

Now, it’s time to apply mascara. Begin by wiping off any excess product from the mascara wand to avoid clumping. Starting from the base of your lashes, wiggle the wand back and forth as you move it upwards towards the tips. This technique helps to coat each lash evenly and prevent clumps.

For added volume and length, apply multiple coats of mascara, building up the intensity gradually. Allow each coat to dry slightly before applying the next to avoid clumping and achieve a more natural-looking finish.

Don’t forget to coat your lower lashes as well for a balanced look. Use the tip of the mascara wand to carefully apply mascara to your lower lashes, starting from the roots and moving towards the tips.

When selecting a mascara, consider opting for formulas that are specifically designed to enhance the appearance of black lashes. These formulas often contain rich pigments that can beautifully define and accentuate black lashes, giving them a bold and dramatic look.

Finally, if you want to take your lash game to the next level, consider using a lash primer before applying mascara. Lash primers help to condition and prime your lashes, creating a perfect base for mascara application and maximizing its effectiveness.

With these tips and tricks, black girls can achieve lush, fluttery lashes that beautifully frame their eyes and complete their eye makeup look with finesse. So go ahead, bat those lashes and show off your stunning eye makeup!

Simple Lip Makeup Tips

Completing your makeup look with the perfect lip color is the final step. Here are some tips for achieving a flawless lip:

  • Lip Liner: Outline your lips with a lip liner that matches your chosen lipstick shade. This will help prevent feathering and extend the wear of your lipstick.

  • Lipstick Application: Use a lip brush or directly apply lipstick to your lips, starting from the center and working your way outwards. Blot with a tissue and reapply for a long-lasting finish.

  • Gloss (Optional): For added shine, you can finish off your look with a clear or tinted lip gloss. Apply a small amount to the center of your lips and gently blend outwards.

What you need to know about lip liner

lip liner for black girl

Let’s delve into the world of lip liner – a versatile makeup essential that can enhance and define the lips, creating a polished and flawless finish. For black girls, choosing the right lip liner can complement their natural lip color and help achieve various lip makeup looks. Here’s how to make the most of your lip liner.

When choosing a lip liner, opt for shades that complement your natural lip color or the lipstick shades you frequently wear. Shades like deep plum, berry, brown, or nude can beautifully enhance the lips and add definition. Ensure your lips are clean and moisturized before applying lip liner. You can exfoliate gently to remove any dry or flaky skin and apply a lip balm to hydrate and smooth the lips for a seamless application.

Lip liners come in various formulas, including pencil, retractable pencil, and twist-up crayon. Choose a formula that suits your preference and offers precision and ease of application. Start by outlining your natural lip shape using the lip liner. You can slightly overline your lips for a fuller appearance or follow your natural lip line for a more defined look. Pay attention to the Cupid’s bow and the corners of your lips to create symmetry and balance.

After outlining your lips, fill in the entire lip area with the lip liner to create a base for your lipstick, enhance the color intensity, and improve the longevity of your lip makeup. To create a seamless transition between the lip liner and lipstick, gently blend the edges of the lip liner with a lip brush or your fingertip. This helps soften any harsh lines and ensures a natural-looking finish.

Once you’ve applied the lip liner, layer it with your favorite lipstick shade for added depth and dimension. Choose a lipstick shade that complements the lip liner or opt for a slightly lighter or darker shade for a gradient effect. To ensure long-lasting wear, set your lip makeup by blotting your lips with a tissue and dusting a translucent setting powder over them. This helps to mattify the lips and lock in the color for extended wear.

By following these tips and techniques, black girls can make the most of their lip liner to enhance their natural lip shape, define their lips, and create a flawless lip makeup look that complements their unique beauty. So go ahead, experiment with different shades and formulas, and embrace the versatility of lip liner in your makeup routine!

How to do lipstick application

lipstick black girl

Lipstick application is an art that can truly elevate your overall makeup look, and for black girls, it’s all about finding the perfect shade and technique to enhance your natural beauty. Whether you’re going for a bold statement lip or a subtle nude look, mastering the art of lipstick application is essential. One of the first steps in achieving a flawless lip look is to ensure that your lips are properly moisturized and exfoliated. This will create a smooth canvas for your lipstick and prevent it from settling into any dry patches or lines.

When it comes to selecting the right lipstick shade, black girls have a wide range of options to choose from. From classic reds to deep berries and nude hues, there’s a shade out there for every skin tone and occasion. When choosing a lipstick shade, consider your undertone and personal preferences. Warm undertones pair well with shades like coral, orange-red, and warm browns, while cool undertones complement colors like berry, plum, and blue-based reds.

Once you’ve selected the perfect lipstick shade, it’s time to apply it like a pro. Start by outlining your lips with a lip liner that matches your chosen lipstick shade or is slightly darker. This will help define your lips and prevent the lipstick from bleeding or feathering throughout the day. Next, fill in your lips with your chosen lipstick, starting from the center and working your way outwards. For precision, you can use a lip brush to apply the lipstick, especially if you’re going for a bold or dark lip look.

To ensure long-lasting wear, blot your lips with a tissue to remove any excess product and then reapply another layer of lipstick. This will help lock in the color and prevent it from fading or transferring throughout the day. If you want to add a touch of shine to your lips, you can finish off your look with a clear or tinted lip gloss. Apply a small amount to the center of your lips and gently blend outwards for a glossy finish.

Remember, the key to achieving a flawless lip look is practice and experimentation. Don’t be afraid to try out different lipstick shades and techniques to find what works best for you. Whether you’re rocking a bold red lip for a night out or a subtle nude lip for everyday wear, confidence is the best accessory to pull off any lip look with style and grace. So go ahead, experiment, have fun, and embrace your beautiful lips!

The art of gloss application

Gloss application is a fun and versatile way to add shine and dimension to your lips, and for black girls, it’s a fabulous way to enhance your natural beauty with a touch of glamour. Whether you prefer a clear gloss for a subtle sheen or a tinted gloss for a pop of color, mastering the art of gloss application can instantly elevate your overall makeup look. One of the great things about gloss is its ease of application – it’s perfect for those days when you want a low-maintenance yet polished look.

Before applying gloss, it’s important to ensure that your lips are properly prepped and hydrated. Exfoliate your lips with a gentle lip scrub or a soft toothbrush to remove any dry, flaky skin. Follow up with a hydrating lip balm to moisturize and soften your lips, creating a smooth canvas for your gloss. If your lips tend to be on the dry side, consider applying a lip primer or a thin layer of foundation to create a base for your gloss and prevent it from settling into any lines or cracks.

When it comes to selecting the right gloss shade, black girls have a variety of options to choose from. Clear gloss is a classic choice that adds a beautiful shine to any lip color or can be worn on its own for a natural, glossy look. Tinted glosses are also a popular option, offering a sheer wash of color that enhances your natural lip color. From soft pinks and peaches to deeper berries and plums, there’s a tinted gloss out there for every mood and occasion.

Once you’ve chosen your gloss shade, it’s time to apply it like a pro. Start by gently squeezing the tube or wand to dispense a small amount of gloss onto the applicator. Swipe the applicator across your lips, starting from the center and working your way outwards. For precision, you can use a lip brush to apply the gloss, especially if you’re working with a tinted gloss or want more control over the application.

To enhance the dimension and shine of your lips, consider adding a dab of clear gloss to the center of your lips and gently blending it outwards. This will create a fuller, more plump appearance and give your lips a luminous finish. If you want to add a touch of sparkle or shimmer to your lips, you can also layer a sparkly or iridescent gloss on top of your tinted gloss for a dazzling effect.

The great thing about gloss is that it’s easy to touch up throughout the day, so feel free to reapply as needed to maintain that beautiful, glossy finish. Whether you’re wearing gloss on its own or layering it over your favorite lip color, confidence is the key to rocking this classic lip look with style and grace. So go ahead, experiment with different shades and finishes, and let your beautiful lips shine!

Must-Have Black Girl Makeup Products

When it comes to makeup, having the right products tailored to your needs can make all the difference. For black women, finding makeup products that complement diverse skin tones and enhance natural beauty is essential. From foundation and concealer to eye makeup essentials and lip products, here are some must-have makeup products specifically curated for black girls:

Products for Foundation and Concealer

Finding the perfect foundation and concealer is crucial for achieving a flawless base. Here are some recommendations for various skin tones:

  • Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation: This cult-favorite foundation from Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty line offers an extensive shade range with options for every undertone.

  • NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer: Known for its buildable coverage and radiant finish, this concealer is available in shades suitable for deeper skin tones, providing excellent coverage without creasing or caking.

Eye Makeup Essentials

Elevate your eye makeup game with these essential products:
  • Juvia’s Place The Nubian Eyeshadow Palette: This stunning palette features richly pigmented eyeshadows in a mix of matte and shimmer finishes, perfect for creating versatile eye looks for any occasion.

  • Pat McGrath Labs Perma Precision Liquid Eyeliner: Achieve precise and bold lines with this long-wearing liquid eyeliner that glides on effortlessly, making it ideal for creating winged eyeliner looks.

Lip Products Suited for Black Women

Make a statement with these lip products tailored for black women:

  • MAC Cosmetics Ruby Woo Lipstick: A classic red lipstick that complements a wide range of skin tones, this matte formula delivers intense color payoff and long-lasting wear.

  • Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer: Add a touch of shine and hydration to your lips with this universally flattering lip gloss available in a range of shades, including clear and tinted options.

Quality Brushes and Tools

Investing in quality brushes and tools is essential for achieving seamless makeup application:

  • Real Techniques Sculpting Brush Set: This set includes essential brushes for foundation, concealer, contouring, and highlighting, making it perfect for creating a flawless base.

  • Beautyblender Original Makeup Sponge: The iconic Beautyblender sponge effortlessly blends foundation, concealer, and other cream or liquid products for a flawless finish.


When it comes to makeup, having the right products tailored to your skin tone and preferences can enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence. Whether you’re looking to create a flawless base or experiment with bold eye and lip looks, these must-have makeup products are sure to elevate your beauty arsenal.

What Next?

After reading this detailed guide, you’re probably eager to elevate your beauty game for that special occasion. If you’re getting ready for prom and aiming to make a statement, our step-by-step guide on “Black Girl Makeup Looks for Prom” is exactly what you need. In this comprehensive post, we dive into elegant and glamorous prom makeup looks tailored specifically for black girls. From flawless foundation application to accentuating your eyes with mesmerizing eyeshadow looks, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we share essential tips for long-lasting makeup throughout the night. So, if you’re ready to take your makeup skills to the next level and create a memorable prom night look that highlights your natural beauty, don’t miss out on our guide. Get ready to dazzle and make unforgettable memories! Continue Reading: Black Girl Makeup Looks for Prom